Join us on an exhilarating cycling adventure from Saigon to Tien Giang province. Pedal through picturesque orchards, savor a delicious lunch at an ancient house and navigate water crossings while immersing yourself in the daily life of the Mekong Delta. Discover the heartland of My Tho and Ben Tre on this unforgettable day trip.
Meal: lunch | Accommodation: not included
8:00 - 8:15am - our guide will meet you at your Saigon hotel, for the 2-hour drive to Tien Giang province. Grab a helmet and cycle for 25 scenic km on small single-track trails and country lanes, passing through fruit orchards and palm trees in the rural heartland of My Tho and Ben Tre.
Lunch will be served at an ancient house, with little time for relaxing on the shady hammocks or strolling around the gardens.
In the afternoon we’ll cycle another 20km on a variety of roads with several water crossings on tiny boats, all while surrounded by the scenes of daily life on the Mekong River’s upper branches. We leave the area at around 15:00 for a car transfer back to Saigon.
Valid |
Price per person based on a group of 2 |
Jan 2024 - Dec 2025 | USD 140 [vnd 3 500 000] |
* Prices do not include peak season surcharge.
* Fixed prices in USD. Prices in VND are subject to currency fluctuations upon making the trip reservation.
* Would you like to adapt the itinerary, accommodation, length of the trip or any activity as per your needs and preferences? Then just forward us your comments at
* Special prices for groups of more than 2 people, children and the possibility to connect the tour with other stages of your trip around Indochina by contacting us.
* A private trip for a solo traveller is also available with a surcharge.