A cultural journey through the heart of Saigon. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of Tao Dan Park, then discover the charm of French Colonial architecture and enjoy a refreshing stop at a hidden local café within an old apartment block. This meticulously crafted itinerary promises an intimate exploration of Saigon's rich heritage and architectural tapestry.
Meal: not any | Accommodation: not included
Your day begins with a 7:45 AM hotel pickup, followed by a leisurely stroll through the tranquil Tao Dan Park, where you'll immerse yourself in local life and the serene morning atmosphere. As the sun climbs higher, we'll visit the iconic Reunification Palace, where the past meets the present. Our journey continues on foot, as we uncover the charm of French Colonial influence through architectural marvels such as the City Hall, the resplendent Opera House, and the Central Post Office. A delightful interlude awaits at a hidden gem: a local café nestled within an old apartment block, offering the perfect setting for a refreshing drink.
This meticulously crafted itinerary promises not just a tour, but an intimate exploration of Saigon's rich heritage and architectural tapestry.
Valid |
Price per person based on a group of 2 |
Jan 2024 - Dec 2025 | USD 36 [vnd 900 000] |
* Prices do not include peak season surcharge.
* Fixed prices in USD. Prices in VND are subject to currency fluctuations upon making the trip reservation.
* Would you like to adapt the itinerary, accommodation, length of the trip, or any activity as per your needs and preferences? Then just forward us your comments at info@handspan.com.
* Special prices for groups of more than 2 people, children, and the possibility to connect the tour with other stages of your trip around Indochina by contacting us.
* A private trip for a solo traveler is also available with a surcharge.