Handspan 10 tips when traveling with kids


Probably because it is financially affordable and politically stable, Indochina became over the few past years a travel destination very much appreciated by families. With an important diversity of destinations, a large number of leisure activities available, a wide range of local food and beverages, countries of Indochina offer you to spend great days with your kids. However, the facilities (or the lack of those) and the climate can turn your paradise vacation into something tougher. The success of your family vacation is a matter of planning and preparation. Follow our best tips when you travel in the region with your kids.


1. Bring the necessary from home: A stroller, a kid carrier, baby bottles, specific sanitary and hygiene products for kids, clothing, etc. Most things are available in main cities of the region but you don’t really want to waste half a day searching for diapers. Right?   

2. Be well informed about climate and seasons: Kids can be more affected than adults by difficult climate conditions. From the mountains of Sapa to the temple of Angkor, weather can be very different. Be well informed about seasons locally and weather forecasts, consider very high level of humidity and adapt your program and the content of your luggage to these. 

3. Temper the pace of your journey: Do not plan too much and too fast. Your kids will have to continuously adapt to unfamiliar environments, let them the time to digest the process and enjoy their time. Try to spend at least 2 nights at each destination you plan to visit.

4. Require possible timeline arrangements: Not everything is possible. But a private tour can almost always be arranged upon specific timeline requirements. If you want to depart later in the morning, end earlier in the afternoon or plan some breaks for the kids to have rest in the middle of the day, just mention it and the travel consultant will tell you what is possible to do.

5. Be precise on your rooms/beds arrangement preferences: Some travel agents or hotels will automatically assume than a kid up to 3-4 years old can sleep in the bed with his parents. Or that a 12-yo kid can sleep alone in a room on another floor. Just make sure when booking your accommodation that you won’t have bad surprises. Get the exact rooming and bedding before you book.  

6. Ask about availability of basic safety equipments for kids: Child seats in the cars, life-jackets for kids, small size helmets, etc. Some of these are not always available or not always planned by your travel agent. Sometimes you just need to ask for it.

7. Be clear about activities available at each destination before making a choice: Some destinations are popular but not really kids-friendly. Sapa for example, offers mostly hiking programs. Kids will get bored of it quickly. Instead they will probably love Mai Chau valley with its cycling routes, bamboo rafting program, river and cascades.

8. Mention any specific diet requirements for your kids: It is important to inform in advance your travel planner about any specific diet requirements. And also for you to know what specific food is available at your destinations. Take with you some anti-histaminic solution for kids as they may eat unusual foods and declare allergy you were not aware of.

9. Be ready to get [a lot of] attention: Southeast Asian people in general cherish kids very much. Kids are at the middle of the social organization and get attention from people everywhere. Foreigners kids (even more if your kids have blonde hair) may quickly become a center of attention. Expect it and do not be upset or worried if a waiter in a restaurant or a staff in a hotel play with your kid or carry him around.

10. Get in touch with Handspan: Designing and operating kids-friendly tours is something that requires experience and skills. The success of your family vacation may rely on one single tour planner paying attention to all details for the rhythm, the timeline, the safety standards, the destination and the activities to be adapted to the needs of your kids.


For more information about traveling with your kids, feel free to contact us at info@handspan.com

You may also check our kids-friendly tour modules online or ask us to design your customized family vacation in Indochina.

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